Main Title : You Are What You Eat

By Pastor Michael Magbag

Scripture :

Isaiah 55:2
New International Version (NIV)

Why spend money on what is not bread, and your labor on what does not satisfy? Listen, listen to me, and eat what is good, and you will delight in the richest of fare.

I have goldfish in a big tank at my house. Every day they must be fed. It’s fun to watch them excitedly swim to the top to devour their food.

There are three kinds of food I give my fish. One if for growth, another is to maintain their health, and another is to enhance their beautiful colors of red, yellow, gray, and black.

I learned a lesson from feeding my goldfish: “The food you eat depends on your objective.”

It is said, “You are what you eat.” The kind of food you choose determines your overall health. If you’re a McDonald’s fan, you will probably gain weight and develop high blood pressure. If you choose vegetarian food, you will probably live longer and be healthier.

Now take all of the above principles and apply them to your Christian life. Are you losing the battle of life because you are starving yourself spiritually? Have you stopped growing because you’ve stopped feeding yourself on the Word of God? Are you weak and sick because you feed yourself junk? Do you feed your spirit things that will enhance your beauty in the kingdom of God?

Take a look in the mirror. Remember the goldfish. They need a balanced diet. So do you.


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