Main Title : Discouragement is Not Here to Stay

By Pastor Michael Magbag

Scripture :

1 Chronicles 22:13
English Standard Version (ESV)

13 Then you will prosper if you are careful to observe the statutes and the rules that the Lord commanded Moses for Israel. Be strong and courageous. Fear not; do not be dismayed.

I’m sure you’ve had that feeling at times of having lost confidence or enthusiasm. You feel disheartened. Your heart is heavy and the brightness of the sun is gone. The air seems cloudy with negativity.

We are all well acquainted with this horrible, gray emotion called “discouragement.”

Usually discouragement strikes when we have run out of known options. I say “known”, because there are always options. But we just don't know what they are. We can’t see through the darkness.

Discouragement also comes when you think you’ve failed. But that would be your opinion.

Discouragement usually strikes at night when we are tired and the day has been long. Morning sunshine often dispels the gloom, but as the weariness of the day creeps up on us, we sense the dark, depressing emotions of discouragement.

Discouragement can come from battle fatigue and disappointment. How do we deal with disappointment? King David was out doing what he did best - leading the battle. He had been winning every battle. Then he returned home to find their camp had been raided and the enemy had stolen everything, including all the Israeli families. His team members and fellow warriors were so distressed, they spoke of killing David.

So David encouraged himself in the Lord. How would he do that? Did he think of God’s promises or his past experiences with God? We don't know. But we do know that David knew a way to restore his courage.

It is always good in the low moments of our lives to not make any life-changing decisions. Those decisions are usually wrong.

It is better to postpone the negative feelings of discouragement, and wait for the morning. Wait for the sunshine!

It is the right thing to do, to remind yourself of what God has done for you in the past. It is uplifting to trust God’s promises.

Do not be discouraged if your plans do not succeed the first time. No one learns to walk by taking just one step. You have to develop the skill of walking by- walking!

Discouragement is not here to stay. It is just an emotion. And God has given us a way out of it- the sunshine of His promises.


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