Main Title : W.W.J.D.

By Pastor Michael Magbag


John 13:35
New International Version (NIV)

35 By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”

We used to see them everywhere. T-shirts, necklaces or bracelets with those letters boldly printed. W.W.J.D- “what would Jesus do?”

What would Jesus do if He were living your life? If He worked where you work? Shopped where you shopped, traveled on your bus, took part in your conversations?

Would His physical presence change your lifestyle? Would it be easy to have Him around, or would it be an embarrassment to you if He just showed up where you are right now?

There are some things I know about Jesus. Firstly, He would love the people you work with or live with and He would find a way to show them. He would not be afraid of being rejected or misunderstood. He would show them that He is different than all the gods of this world. He would show life and love.

Secondly, He would not condemn them for sin. He would be compassionate. He would care. He would be compassionate. He would see the needy person who is miserable and wounded. He would find a way to connect. He would build a bridge and not a wall.

Thirdly, he would be very open about his purpose for living. He would let everyone know that His very reason for existence is to bring men and women back into a personal relationship with the Father.

Are you doing what Jesus would do?


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