Main Title : Breakthrough

By Pastor Michael Magbag

Scripture :

Matthew 19:26
New International Version (NIV)

26 Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”

Breakthrough, what a thrilling word! Imagine if in one moment you could just breakthrough and poof - instantly, you’re at the next level.

Could God give us a breakthrough? The Bible tells us, “Nothing is too hard for God. Nothing is impossible with God. All things are possible to those who believe. What seems impossible to man is but a small thing with God.” So the obvious answer is, “Yes, God COULD do it.”

Will God give us a breakthrough? Now that question is more difficult to answer.

If you want to know what God
will do, find out what gets His attention. We have clues given in Scripture for this.

  • God WILL always do what glorifies His son Jesus.
  • God WILL always do what builds His kingdom.
  • God WILL always respond to true faith.
  • God rarely does anything without us.
People of breakthrough are people who know their God and act accordingly. They see that barrier, that mountain, that financial problem as an opportunity to see God perform a miracle. They look up to a new level and start moving in that direction by faith. They wait upon God as they glorify Jesus, build His kingdom, and move in faith as a participant in God’s agenda. Then God moves, miracles happen and you have a breakthrough! 


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