Main Title : Be an Entrepreneur for Christ

By Pastor Michael Magbag

Scripture :

2 Timothy 1:6
New International Version (NIV)

Appeal for Loyalty to Paul and the Gospel

For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands.

Here’s an interesting piece of trivia. “Entrepreneur” is a French military word that once was used to describe a particular commander who undertook risky ventures for strategic gains. Literally translated, it means “to enter in to take.”

Today the word mostly refers to business people who are action oriented. They are not just thinkers- they are doers. “Entrepreneurs” can make a risky decision and act upon it. They have a passion for profit.

There is a story in the Bible about entrepreneurs. It is the parable of “the talents” found in Matthew 25. Three servants were given talents by their master.  Two of them went out and without guidance, they “entrepreneured”  and made profit for their master.

The third servant did not know how to “entrepreneur”. He fearfully hid his talent. He wanted to protect what he had. He would not “enter in to take.” The Master was disappointed in him, took away his talent and gave it to the guy who had made the most profit, and got rid of the fearful servant.

All of us fit the description of one of the above people. We have either hidden our talents or we have “entrepreneured” - taken that step and begun to use our God-given gifts.

The Master would be pleased with you if you would take the risk of using your talents for His glory. That would be a true entrepreneur. Enter in to take!


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