Main Title : What If Jesus Came Into Your House ???

By Pastor Michael Magbag


Psalm 139:23-24
New International Version (NIV)

23 Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. 24 See if there is any offensive way in me,  and lead me in the way everlasting.

If Jesus came to your house today, how would you feel? Excited? Nervous? Frantically cleaning things up and buying groceries? What would you change? Would you have to quickly hide your computer screen, your magazines and movies, or other things that would embarrass you?

The world we live in says we should have no guilt, no shame. We should “be real.” Our standards are greatly influenced by our liberal world. “There is nothing really wrong or right, it is all up to you. Whatever you feel is right, go for it. Why not?” The liberal thinker says we should never impose our beliefs on others. We should never feel guilty either, because God is a God of love and He surely would not judge any of us.

Unfortunately, we cannot escape a minor detail called “conscience." That is the secret part of our mind that quietly warns us that something is wrong, or that what we have done is wrong. You can never get away from it. And the closer you are to God, the louder the voice of “conscience” and the stronger the warnings.

Now back to our first question. If Jesus came to your house today, unknown to you, and watched you live and heard you speak and sat with you in your sala or ate at your table,  what would He see and hear? If you knew in advance He was coming, would you be embarrassed to have Him there? Would your lifestyle cause your conscience to twinge if Jesus walked in on you?

If your honest answer to that question would embarrass you, you are not living right with God and that means you are not ready to face Him. And there is coming a day when Jesus will, for real, “come to our house.” We will face Him. But we just don’t know when that day is.

Live as if Jesus was welcome at your door any hour of the day of night. Live as if He was at home in your house, in your room, in your car, at any time. If there is nothing to hide, there is nothing to fear. Let your conscience speak


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