Main Title : A Wonderful Week

By Pastor Michael Magbag


Matthew 28:19-20
New International Version (NIV)

19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
When something good happens, we should TALK about it. Several years ago, our church took a leap of faith to buy a new building. What a wonderful event in the life of our church! This could not have happened without the united effort of a lot of people. We give all the glory to God, but we should not overlook the enormous contribution of our faithful, giving church people who worked hard, sacrificed financially, and prayed constantly for this glorious but challenging project.

Why should we TALK about our success with this new project? 

*The world is short of good news. If we have a problem we are quick to complain/gossip. Negative things in our negative world are the subject of much of our conversation. So, why not spread good news? The people of Church of God Makati joined their faith and their hands to build a ministry center for God. That’s good news! Tell everyone you can what God has done through His people.

*TALKING about it gives glory to God. How else could something like this happen unless God put it in our hearts to build this place? To see it is to be impressed with the beauty and size of our achievement. (Yes, it was our achievement!) God helped us and ultimately He gets the glory, but we put our hearts, prayers, sweat and money behind this and look what happened. God could not have done this without us!

One last thought: what would happen if we put that same united focused effort into winning our city?

If we by faith and hard work purchased and renovated our church building, think of what we might do for our city! Think of the ministry we could do! Only God knows how much we could accomplish and how many souls could be won to Christ. We must not sit down and gloat over what we have accomplished. We must continue to pray, work, give and rejoice as we win our city.


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