Main Title: Bad Habits

By Pastor Michael Magbag


Romans 12:2
New International Version (NIV)

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

Bad habits are learned consistent behaviour patterns that bad for you. They do you no good. They may even be harmful to you or the ones around you. Nothing good can be said about bad habits.

We as Jesus-followers who call ourselves “Christians" tend to be like the men in the Bible parable. There was a Pharisee and a publican who had both gone to the temple to pray. The Pharisee began his prayer by saying,  "God, I thank you that I am not like other men, especially like this publican. I have no vices, no bad habits. I’m pretty much perfect." 

Is that you? Do you think you’re better than others because you have no obvious bad habits?

Consider the following:

- Worry is a bad habit because it has its roots in unbelief.
- Procrastination is bad habit with its roots in worry and pride.
- Fear is a bad habit with its roots in deception and lack of trust. 
- Laziness is a bad habit with its roots in selfishness and carnality. 
- Overeating is a bad habit with its roots in emotional negativity.

You could make your own list of bad habits, but just know that you can’t move ahead without dealing with at least some of them.

Remember - a habit is a learned behaviour.  You learned it! And just the same way, YOU CAN UNLEARN IT.

You can change. Do something different. Pick up your Bible and find the behavior you want to learn.

Then start practicing that GOOD HABIT. 

Start a new good habit today!


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