Main Title : Anchored to the Rock

By Pastor Michael Magbag


Hebrews 6:19
New International Version (NIV)

19 We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure. It enters the inner sanctuary behind the curtain

When I was a child, my grandfather took me fishing to a place called Rock Lake. It was called that because the shoreline and the bottom of the lake were all rocks. Those rocks were big - but maybe that was because I was so small.

The rocks on the bottom of Rock Lake were a big problem. Our fishing hooks would often get caught on the rocks. We couldn’t retrieve our hooks when they got caught - the line would break and the hook would be lost.

But there was one good thing about the rocks. They were excellent for our anchor. Our little boat had a small anchor which we would throw into the water, and it would catch on the rocks at the bottom. The current or the wind would change, but we would not be moved. The anchor would hold our little fishing boat secure in one spot.

I’ve fished and sailed a little bit off the coast of the Philippines. and the bottom is sometimes sandy.  Soft ocean floors are not good for anchoring. The winds and currents move constantly, and slowly the anchor slips and the boat moves.

In our uneasy world, we need anchors. The winds of politics and the currents of social change cause us to sometimes wonder if there is anything stable and secure in this world.

But if we have our hope - our anchor - in God and His word, we will not be moved. The world moves like water and wind - never sure, never the same, never secure. If we are attached to a rock, we will stay anchored right where we were before the wind and the water moved.

Faith in God and His word is still the only security we have in life. Let your anchor drop deep down to the rockbed that is God, and you will not be moved. You will be secure, stable, and safe.
This is our Hope! Anchor in God!


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