Main Title : Main Title : The Right View of Things

By Pastor Micahel Magbag

Scripture :

Ezekiel 28:17
King James Version (KJV)

17 Thine heart was lifted up because of thy beauty, thou hast corrupted thy wisdom by reason of thy brightness: I will cast thee to the ground, I will lay thee before kings, that they may behold thee.

In one of my books on the Second World War, I read the histories of battle after battle and failure after failure. A recurring statement caught my attention:

“They underestimated their enemy and overestimated their abilities.”

This seemed to be the most consistent cause of defeat on all sides.

I read of arrogance of the military leaders. When all hope was gone, pride prevented a retreat.
I read of overconfidence. “Nothing can stop us.” Over and over, the history of WWll shows how human nature led to defeat.

Does this not also happen to us? We trust in ourselves so much that even when we see our plans are not working, we persist in going on. How stubborn we too are at times. Prayer and relying on God seem to be considered only when things go so terribly wrong that it’s clear we can’t fix it.

The only assurance for victory in life is to trust in the Lord with ALL your might at all times. Don’t ever fully lean on your own understanding. There is no other way to consistently live a victorious Christian life.

Only through Christ can we make it. How do you look at life? What/who do you trust in?

Does pride keep you from acknowledging it’s time to backtrack or change or yield?

God hates stubbornness. He wants us to be realistic enough to say, “God, I can’t do this. I’m going to lose this battle if I depend on myself.”'

Look at life with eyes of humility, dependent upon God for victory.


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