Main Title: Thirteen Ways to Improve Your Relationships

By Pastor Michael Magbag


Mark 12:31
New International Version (NIV)

31 The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’[a] There is no commandment greater than these.”

1. Take care of your relationship with God.

2. Make time for your family.

3. Be open and honest.

4. Practice serving others.

5. Admit when you are wrong.

6. Don’t expect special favors from others.

7. Be responsive to others.

8. Practice the ministry of encouragement.

9. Excuse the mistakes of others graciously.

10. Trust others.

11. Listen to others.

12. Give credit to others.

13. Don’t take criticism personally.

13 is sometimes considered an unlucky number. But it’s really not. This list, adapted from another source,  is 13 items, but it’s not at all unlucky. Notice the focus of this list. It’s not about YOU - it is almost entirely about others. INTERESTING!

Would you like to improve your relationships? All of us have challenging people in our lives that require extra grace to deal with. We may need to change our focus. 


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