Main Title : Is It Really True?

By Pastor Michael Magbag


John 1:1
New International Version (NIV)

The Word Became Flesh

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

2 Timothy 3:16-17
New International Version (NIV)

16 All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, 17 so that the servant of God[a] may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.

Politics all over the world seems to be going crazy. Especially in election years, news media folks tell the stories as they want you to hear them. Broadcasting is often clearly prejudiced and biased. The truth is sometimes very far from what really happened or what was really said.

So much has come out in the past few years about media and their manipulation of the minds of men. Here’s an example from my own life. Years ago when we lived in the Philippines during the coup attempts of the late 80s and early 90’s, I was watching CNN one morning. The broadcaster stated, “Manila is sealed off in anticipation of another coup.” Hmmm. Really? Here’s the way it really was...
That particular day I needed to drive to Laguna. As I was driving down the South Super Highway, I came upon an intersection with an Army tank parked at the corner. The soldiers were sitting on the top watching the hundreds of cars passing by on each side. They were relaxed and seemed to be having a good time. But according to CNN, we were “sealed off”!

Scandals, click-bait, blame, shame, and blatant lies fill social media and the news. Twitter wars go on about useless and unimportant things. There are two sides to every story- sometimes 3 or 4! What is the truth???

The effect of all this nonsense leaves most people cynical of politicians, news media and generally all information. We don’t take the news very seriously any more. After a while we don’t take anything we hear seriously. We become jaded and skeptical about everything.

How about the Word of God? Do we question it like we do with "breaking news"? Are the stories of the Bible unreliable like we perceive the media news to be? Are the words of Jesus and Scripture writers like Peter, Paul, Moses, and Luke like the biased and two-sided words of politicians and journalists?
Or are those Bible stories and those instructions the inspired Word of God for which we will be held accountable?
Can we trust God’s Word? Can we believe what we read in Scripture? Did it all really happen? Or was it merely journalistic exaggeration?

In a world where trust has been lost and cynicism is so common, we need to be careful not to become skeptics of the Bible. We must not allow God and His living, breathing, inspired Word to be viewed as just another exaggerated story. God’s Word is not just another voice speaking over the airwaves or through the internet; He is God and His Word is reliable and true. You can believe it!


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