Main Title : What's New?

By Pastor Michael Magbag


Psalm 51:10
New International Version (NIV)

10 Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.

I searched the Bible for the word “new” and found it 150 times. Everyone likes something new - new phone, new clothes, new house - but in this world, “new” soon becomes “old” and we look for something “new” again.

A few years ago, we moved into  our “new” church building. It’s really an “old” building we have made “new”. For awhile the excitement of newness was all we talked about. We were enthusiastic, energetic, and motivated. Unfortunately, no matter how hard we tried, the “new” wore off and now it’s “old”!

When the Bible uses the word “new” in relation to spiritual things, it does not mean something new as compared to something old but. Rather, it refers to “fresh”.

We are a “new” creation. Our spiritual self never gets old when we are in Christ  We are always fresh. God's mercy and compassion are FRESH every morning. He is never out of date or late or old.

Let us celebrate the “newness”, the “freshness”, of the God who caused us to become spiritually alive in Jesus. He never grows old. Everything He does is up to date and alive. Though our clothes, our phones, our homes and our church building age, God remains “new” and “fresh” every morning. Every day in this blessed building will be new and fresh if the Lord is the focus of our hearts and the love of our lives.


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