Main Title : The Origin Of Christian Spotlight

By Pastor Michael Magbag


Psalm 9:1
New International Version (NIV)

Psalm 9[a][b]

For the director of music. To the tune of “The Death of the Son.” A psalm of David.

1 I will give thanks to you, Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonderful deeds.

In Each and every story there is a beginning , In each of a successful business there is always a start up and in other for us to live we need to be born and today's topic is all about the origin of the group called  "Christian Spotlight."

I remember my first time when I joined the Metro Manila Christian Church (M.M.C.C) now known International Church of Christ (I.C.O.C) way back 2009 where the Southland Sector is being led by Pastor Bobby Montealegre a pastor at the same time a Business Entrepreneur and of course my first mentor . In M.M.C.C I learned and gained a lot of things from friends through experience and most especially this is the time when I once again encountered God after a 5 years of none involvement with a Church for the main reason why that I hate going to Church.

Maybe you are wondering why? the main reason why is because of what I'm seeing in the Church. A church where some of the people are hypocrites and non believers. Why once again? you may ask OK here are some of my observations in the Church:

- Where can you see a church where people are just there to meet up for their dates?

- Where people are chit chatting while the priest is doing His Sermon?

- And lastly where could you see a Church where people are just there to impress others of their new clothes?.

And not for the very purpose of sincerely praising and worshipping the Lord.

But everything have change when I met my co - worker Marry Ann Chavez who invited me to join her on the mass on their Church that is called Metro Manila Christian Church (M.M.C.C). I tell you the truth I don't know why I agreed but on my very first time on that Church I saw a group of people raising their hands while they are praying, tapping the backs of their fellow checkmates as a sign of greeting and even clapping their hands while they are singing. On that scenario I told myself this is kinda odd and weird but I told myself as well "What the Heck I'll  give it a try." A few months had passed after  I was baptize under the leadership and patience of my discipler J.R Toledo. M.M.C.C became my training ground where I became an usher, song leader , official photographer and a member of a club called "Southland Media Team." and that is under the leadership of Pastor Bobby Montealegre.

After 5 consecutive years of serving , worshipping and praising the Lord under M.M.C.C. When I decided to put up my first 2 groups in Facebook namely "Life with God" & " Love for God." It's just a small group of consisting of  250 followers in the year 2014. I thought everything will be alright all of a sudden something happened I was approached and called on my mobile phone by Eugene Toledo a Single Ministry Leader ordering me to stop posting on my groups and that is under the order of Mr. Bobby Montealegre. I asked Eugene "What's The main reason bro?." and then He replied "According to Bobby bro. that the things you  are posting on your groups made our fellow brothers and sisters confused and stumbling on their faith that's the reason why it needs to be shut down." from what He told me I asked myself why is it my fellow brothers and sisters are confused and stumbling.?

I'm just only posting some encouragements, motivationals, photos coming from the different verses of the Bible and sermons coming from our Sunday Worship Service.?

Why is it I'm being rebuke for praising God.?

And why is it I'm being scolded for sharing my faith.?

And due to that unfair judgement and even not giving a chance to explain myself I decided to leave Church along with my fiance Michelle on October of 2014.

Luckily for us that it didn't take to long when God introduce us in a nearby Church just a few blocks away from my house under the name of Church Of God Makati or others called it C.O.G Makati where also I met my second mentor Pastor Dennis Heppner a Canadian Senior Pastor who went to the Philippines for a Missionary purpose.

When I first step on this church I could say nothing has change same tapping on the back  , same raising of hands while praying and same clapping on the hands while singing the only difference on this Church is the pastor which is a Canadian guys who loves to tell stories and jokes while His preaching. C.O.G Makati opened their arms and accepted me freely and  for a new guy on the Church I could say I found a new home.

In C.O.G Makati I also learned a lot things as well but on that Church I learned the value of acceptance and freedom.

On that same very Church as well when I started my being a pastor too. 

And lastly on December of 2016 when I decided to put up my third Facebook group that is now called "Christian Spotligth."


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