Main Title : Action Speaks...

By Pastor Michael Magbag


James 2:17
New International Version (NIV)

17 In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.

How good are you at communication? Do people understand you when you speak? Do they know what you really mean, or are you vague, unclear or silent?

One of the greatest errors we make about our communication is to assume people understand us. We assume people know what we think or feel...but do they really get what we're saying?

Negative communication can cause others to be hurt by what we do or do not say. Sometimes we are just as weak on the positive side of communication.

Thoughts and good intentions do not communicate. No one knows your thoughts or intents but God. What is in your mind does not become visible until it is expressed through your words. I always used to tell my children, “Use your words!” when they were pointing or crying or shouting, “Look! Look!"
Taking that one step further, your actions speaks much louder than your words.

What would someone believe about you if they were watching your life, your worship, your love for God, and your involvement in ministry? What would they believe about you?
Your actions preach. They preach loudly that this is who you are and this is what you believe.
Your inaction preaches even louder. When you don’t speak up against wrong, when you don’t stand up for the Word of God and the standards of the Bible, you are preaching. You are saying that your mouth confesses something that you don’t really believe enough to live by.

Did you know that God will hold you accountable for your actions and inactions?

Who are you, really?

Do your actions deny your words?

Your faith shows up only when you do what you believe.
"Actions speak louder than words."


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