Main Title: Hungry for God

By Pastor Michael Magbag

For several days, I have been thinking about our need for God. Those who are honest with themselves and with God, admit this need. It can be described as an inner dissatisfaction with life. John Piper has said, “The cost of food in the kingdom is hunger for the bread of heaven, instead of the white bread of the world.” White bread is sweet and fluffy, but it has very little food value and provides almost no nourishment, merely empty carbs.

John Piper calls these things white bread: your television, your computer, your job or your family. None of these things are bad or wrong, but they have no real soul value in terms of causing you to grow spiritually.

I’m reminded of the story of Jesus visiting the home of Mary and Martha. Martha had a special guest in the house - Jesus, and probably many of His followers, and things needed to be prepared. Lots of food had to be cooked and served. Mary knew all these kitchen duties, but she chose to abandon Mary to the hospitality efforts, and she just sat down at the feet of Jesus and listened to him.

After awhile, a sweaty and flustered Martha came in and complained to Jesus, “Lord, I have so much to do and look at my sister! She is just sitting there doing nothing, listening to You. Make her get up and help me.” Jesus replied, “Mary has chosen the things of more importance.”

We are at times deceived by our good intentions and our busy-ness in the Kingdom of God. We believe that because we are not sinning or purposely hurting people, we’re okay. After all, we’re doing so much for Jesus - that’s good, isn’t it? Serving is just as important as leading, right?

Well, yes. But inner dissatisfaction shows itself in many ways. Workaholism. Constant change. Constant upgrading of homes and cars. Buying more stuff. These are all symptoms of a deep inner need for Jesus’ presence.

In the church we see it reflected by the constant switch to different ministries, a new place to serve, or even dropping out. The kitchen gets too hot! Is it really time for a change? Or are we just restless inside?


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