Main Title : You Can Make It!

By Pastor Michael Magbag


Hebrews 10:23
New International Version (NIV)

23 Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful.

There is nothing more encouraging than to hear someone say to you, “You can make it.” There are moments in all of our lives when we do not think we can get through. Things are more than we can handle. We just don’t see a way out.

I’ve been there and so have you.

The important thing to remember in a situation like that is this: don't make any decisions when you are really down. Most decisions we make when things are bad are the wrong decisions. We are reacting to what we feel and see instead of what we believe.

There are times when your feelings might get really negative. Depression may be overwhelming, and hopelessness surrounds you. Remember, this is not the real you OR the permanent state of things.

What you feel may not be the truth- it is just a feeling. The facts concerning you remain constant. God has not changed. His word has not lost its power. His promises are still intact.

Well, then, you ask, “Where is God?”

That brings us to this point: “trust”. If we really trust Him, we don’t need to SEE Him to believe in Him. He is there with you now, regardless of the mess you find yourself in. He never left. You are not alone. You CAN make it!

The Lord will always work things out for your good if you love Him and recognize his calling on your life, and HANG IN THERE.


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