Main Title: Tsismosa/o

By Pastor Michael Magbag


Proverbs 11:13
New International Version (NIV)

13 A gossip betrays a confidence, but a trustworthy person keeps a secret.

How’s that for a title?

How would that look printed after your name on your calling card?

Some folks (not you, of course) have this word as a function, or maybe an official title. OUCH!!!

Gossiping has always been one of the favored pastimes of people.

You have probably heard someone (not you, of course) gossiping at the mall, office, at school, and even at church. The sad fact is that the words we hurl against each other can sever lifelong relationships built on trust.

The Bible warns us about misusing our tongues. According to James 3:6, “…among all the parts of the body, the tongue is a flame of fire. It is a whole world of wickedness, corrupting your entire body. It can set your whole life on fire, for it is set on fire by hell itself.” WOW!

“Someone said this or that about me.” Now we feel we have the right to do the same. So who is worse, the original tsismosa/o or you, the one who is getting revenge? 

Instead of speaking ill of others, let’s practise Proverbs 17:9 which reminds us that, “Disregarding another person's faults preserves love; telling about them separates close friends.” Our language should always be one that protects  people, loves people. (1 Cor. 13:7 NIV).

There is no excuse for spreading around another person’s faults or failures. It is disrespectful to the other person and a lack of love as a Christian. There can be no good, noble, kind, considerate reason for speaking of another’s failures behind their back. Gossiping hurts, separates, wounds, upsets, is inconsiderate and even at times destroys another person’s reputation. As a child of God, we are to honor Him in every aspect of our lives.  Talking ill about others does not reflect the true character of Christ. We need to go directly to them and “speak truth in love."

People of God, this is real Christian love - being tolerant, considerate, protecting each other and thinking of others first. Next time you encounter gossip, speak out about its negative consequences. Divert the attention to a more positive topic. In the end, we have to choose. “I will be a real Christian or I will be a tsismosa/o”. Can’t be both!!!


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